Thursday, July 19, 2007


It is hard to believe that Mason will be 8 weeks old tomorrow. Time has flown by. We knew this would be a long road, but it certainly does not seem like 8 weeks have already passed. We want to say thanks again to everyone for all of the positive comments and encouragement!

Mason looks like he is feeling better today. The docs went up on his morphine this morning because he looked fussy when they did their morning rounds. He seemed to be comfortable when I came in this morning. He spent a good half hour awake and looking around. Before I left, I read him a story and he fell asleep :)

Mason has come down some on his vent pressure. It was weaned down to 26 (from 29 on Monday). His blood gases continue to look good so we are expecting to see another wean tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is good to hear that things seem to be looking up for all of you. If Mason is anything like his dad, the abuse taking die hard lions fan, then I am sure that he will pull through all of this with flying colors. I am sorry that it took so long for me and my family to be here for you guys, but it sounds like you haven't been alone in this situation for long. Please let me know if there is anything that we can do.


The Aeck Family