Tomorrow Mason will be going in for a sedated heart echo. This is just a follow-up before our big CDH clinic appointment at UofM. It is especially critical for Mason since he had ECMO cannulation directly into his heart (a procedure often used for infants with congenital heart defects), resulting in 3 heart surgeries. Mason was not born with any heart defects, however his anatomy did not allow him to sustain on ECMO the traditional way. Hopefully they don't see anything alarming.
Thursday is our CDH clinic appointment at UofM. They just developed a multi-disciplinary clinic for CDH patients. When we go, Mason will see Pediatric Surgery, Pulmonary, Cardiology, PT, OT and Dietary. We are very excited to see everyone all in one appointment. We are so thankful that UofM has developed this program.
Friday we have our 16 week ultrasound for baby-to-be Ellinger. We have still not decided if we are going to try and find out the sex. Right now we are leaning towards having it be a surprise. I am thinking that curiosity might get the best of us, and we may change our minds later.
We spent most of the weekend at home cleaning up leaves and branches in the yard. Travis and I had a chance to get out to see a Lions game this afternoon. It started out as an exciting game but unfortunately the Lions lost again. Grandma and Grandpa Sennett looked after Mason for us, and wore him out :)
I captured a few good pictures of Mason watching his Dad work outside on Saturday. He loves to stand and look out the front windows.
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