Monday, September 15, 2008

Back to School

The big news last week is that Mason is back to school. He attends the Early On program through the school system. This year he is attending playgroup on Tuesday mornings and he has Physical Therapy on Wednesday morning. Last year, PT was at home, and this year it will be at the school. Mason has also been allowed to attend playgroup for the whole school year. Our Pulmonologist is very happy with his lung function and sees no issue with one hour of exposure per week. This is great news. However, we will still be on lockdown this winter and will need to avoid public places and contact with other children (besides the 1 hour of playgroup).

Our little guy is crawling everywhere and has even developed a "turbo" speed for chasing after the dog. He is doing great with pulling up and cruising the furniture. Stairs have been his latest milestone. He is now able to go up our entire flight of stairs (about 12 steps)! We have been right behind him making sure he doesn't fall. We have already installed a baby gate at the top of the stairs and now we will be heading out to get one for the bottom too.

Mason is also starting to develop a vocabulary. Besides his usual ma-ma, da-da, ba-ba, and boo-boo, he has added ball and dog. We have been working hard to "label" objects for him and have been asking him to repeat words that we say. He does a good job with ball and dog.

Here are some pictures of Mason enjoying the outdoors a couple weeks ago. His Grandma and Grandpa Ellinger were over for the weekend helping us clean up the jungle that came with our house :)

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