Tuesday, June 19, 2007

More Progress

Mason has decided that he no longer needs blood pressure medication. As of 9:30pm last night, he is completely off of all blood pressure medications. The nurses and docs are watching him closely and think that he may need a low dose of one of the meds to help his kidneys make urine. He tends not to pee as much when his blood pressure is lower. They will watch how he does with no meds for the day and then make their decision.

Mason has also gone down on his vent settings. His pressure is now at 29, his rate has gone down to 50, and his oxygen support has gone down to 50%. They will check another blood gas at 4 to see if he is still responding well to all of the changes. His blood gas at 10am looked good.

Mason spent some time awake this morning, a rare treat lately. He opened both eyes and looked right at me. It looked like he was really concentrating. I can't even describe how good that felt. I am hoping Dad will get to experience the same thing this evening.

Mason will continue to be slowly weaned off of the vent. When his pressure gets to 25, the surgeons will start to close the patch on his belly.

1 comment:

The 311 Boys Mom said...

I just wanted you to know that we are keeping you guys in our thoughts!! Mason is sooooo cute!!! I also wanted to tell you, as one parent to another---YOU ARE SO AWESOME & BRAVE!!!! It makes Mason that much stronger! It's also so great that you keep this so current to help keep everyone informed! I check it everyday.

Jen, Shane & kids