Monday, April 23, 2007

Recovery Update #2

The recovery is still going pretty well. My incision (only about 1/4 of an inch) has almost completely healed. I am still amazed with how small it is. So far, there have been no signs of pre-term labor and our fingers are still crossed that it stays that way. The bed rest has been tough, more so than I had imagined. I was able to keep myself occupied for a few days and now it has become much more difficult. Travis and I joke that we are living the same day over and over. For such busy people, it seems strange to have prime time tv be the highlight of our day.

We have two appointments at UCSF this week. An ultrasound on Thursday, and a high risk ob/gyn appointment on Friday. We also received news that the balloon removal has been scheduled for Thursday, May 10th (my birthday). We are counting down the days, as this is our next biggest hurdle to overcome before we can head home.

We would like to thank everyone who has sent us cards, flowers and care packages and have been posting encouraging comments and sending us encouraging e-mails. We can't say how much this means to us and helps keep our spirits high. We are thankful to have such tremendous support.

Tomorrow we will post some belly pictures (by popular request) and some pictures of our very unique apartment with the "closet kitchen".


bobarah said...

So glad to hear that the recovery is still going well. Your website is so great too. What a good way to keep everyone informed. I am a little dissapointed that there are no belly or kitchen closet pictures, as promised :) Hopefully prime time tv is still keeping you busy too. It's pretty much the highlight of Scott and my life too. During the baseball season we can't live without TIVO. Take care, May 10th will come soon enough and hopefully more good news will follow. As cool as San Fran probably is, I'm sure Travis is getting sick of walking up that hill :) Love, Sarah

Unknown said...

Hi Rosie, Travis, and Bubba!

Keeping the 3 of you in my thoughts and prayers. Mo's been keeping us girls posted but this is definitely easier to keep track of your progress! Miss you guys!

Love, Fran

Anonymous said...

Rosie, Travis, and baby,

Glad to hear that everything and everyone is doing okay. Take care of yourselves and hopefully you will be home soon. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.


Shelly, Chad, and Tony