Saturday, April 28, 2007

A Little Taste of Freedom

Some good news. Our preterm labor test came back negative which means there is more than a 90% chance that I won't go into labor in the next couple of weeks. This means two things to us. The first is that we can relax a little bit when it comes to worrying that we will "make it" to the May 10th procedure. The second is that I have been granted some freedom to explore San Francisco every 3rd day. I know it doesn't sound like much, but after spending the last two weeks confined to a couch, it is just what I (and we) need. Monday is my first day of freedom, so we are trying to decide what to do. We can take a tour as long as it is not bumpy. Sadly this eliminates any boat tours and also the popular Alcatraz tour we have been eyeing.
We also have the pictures as promised. The first pictures are of our apartment.

And, by popular request, here are the belly pictures....

Believe it or not, that little tiny dot on the front/side of my belly (pretty hard to see) is the scar from my incision. It is amazing that they did everything through that tiny little hole.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the good news. We have been thinking of you and Travis and wish you guys the best. Hope you have a nice day getting a break outdoors for a change. The apartment looks like it's pretty nice.

Anonymous said...

Nice belly!!!

Unknown said...

Rosie! You look great!