Over the past week he has become a full-time walker for the most part. He is still having some trouble standing up on his own without the use of a wall or object, so if he falls in the middle of a room, he will crawl to the closest thing to help him up. Mason is also going to receive some extra PT at UofM. A HUGE thanks to Jeannie and Dan for moving mountains to get us in! He had an evaluation on Thursday and since then we have been working on throwing and kicking balls, stepping over and around objects on the floor, carrying large objects while walking, core strength, balance, etc. Right now Mason's gross motor skills (according to the Peabody test) are at the 13 month old level. He is really interested in playing with the other neighborhood kids his age, but can't keep up with them yet. Six weeks of extra PT should really help him catch up to his adjusted age of 19 months.
Mason's occupational therapy has been going pretty well. He now has a few summer months off before we go back. We are at a stage where he just needs exposure to a variety of different foods and textures, something we can do at home rather than at the hospital. He is still drinking lots of water which is great. He is also starting to take some tasts of our lunch and dinner with a fork, as long as it is a sauce or gravy texture. Our next step is to get him comfortable with squishy and slimy solids like cooked veggies and fruits.